Major and Minor Chords

Major Chords

A major chord is a chord containing a chord root, a note a major-third above the root, and a note a perfect-fifth above the root. The following shows a few major chords starting on different notes.

Major chords starting on different notes
Major chords starting on different notes
Along with minor chords, major chords are the most commonly used chords in music. There are three major chords possible in any major scale, or its related modes. The following shows the three major chords in the C-Major scale, and the three major chords in the A-natural-minor scale.
The major chords in the key of C-Major
The major chords in the key of C-Major
The major chords in the key of A-minor
The major chords in the key of A-minor

Minor Chords

A minor chord is a chord containing a chord root, a note a minor-third above the root, and a note a perfect-fifth above the root. The following shows a few minor chords starting on different notes.

Minor chords starting on different notes
Minor chords starting on different notes
Along with major chords, minor chords are the most commonly used chords in music. There are three minor chords possible in any major scale, or its related modes. The following shows the three minor chords in the C-Major scale, and the three minor chords in the A-natural-minor scale.

The minor chords in the key of C-Major
The minor chords in the key of C-Major
The minor chords in the key of A-minor
The minor chords in the key of A-minor